Aug 1, 2010

A Mistaken One

Everything seems so peaceful, so beautiful, so serene
But it was only watching from afar
It has nothing to do with all these
All those while, it was the one

It's not beautiful, it's not peaceful
It's constantly clouded by the wrongs
How can it not be when it was the one
Not being able to do anything
It was left aside without noticed

Anger, confusion, rejection, anxiety
What more could it feel
Sitting in the circle that is not complete
Trying to pretend that it was in a perfect cycle
It was only watching silently

It's a mistake
A total mistake in whatever it does
It's a mistake
A total mistake in whatever it chose
Even in its very existence
That it knows could not even be erased
It will continue to exist

Exist unknown by anything at all

1 comment:

Ken Wooi said...

there are always ups and downs in life =)