Jul 29, 2010

Spoil It Please ?

It's not as tough as you see
All it needs is just a little crack
You can see it all clearly when it's stripped
All it wants was just a little touch
Was it so hard to keep the body warm with your touch ?

Even the strong ones may be strong for some reason
But at the end of it, if you touches it
It gives in as you warmed it with your simple touch
Don't be so hard on it, please

You gave the hope but you took it away
Making it feel that it was not needed at all
It doesn't know what you think when you never talk at all
A simple hello and a little touch was all it needed
To know that it was the least in your heart and mind

To have you touching and caressing it
That would be its biggest wish and hope
Yet it knows that this will not come true
If you do not even show a slightest hint of interest
What does it need to do, to have you look in its way even a little ?

Please look in its way
Please keep it warm with your touch and all
Spoil it please ?
It's a tough time to go on without the warmth