Nov 10, 2008

Incident at KL

Needless to say, for those that read the Chinese newspaper Sin Chew Daily (or most major newspaper I'd assume) today would come across this news (which is on the main page) whereby this incident, a HUGE group of Mat Rempit, bashing up 3 males age range around 20++. They even have a girl with them. Police traffics just stood aside and watched alongside with other civillians... Any other thoughts about our law enforcers? Any other thoughts about happy peaceful town?

Those who knew about this incident which happened last night around midnight at Jalan Loke Yew on the direction heading to Cheras, feel free to comment about this incident. In the meantime, those who doesn't know, ask your friends who can read chinese. I'm too raged to write on and in the meantime, here's the pictures i took from the newspaper...

poor guy beaten up till unable to move and blood is everywhere on the kids while PEOPLE AROUND ARE JUST LOOKING. Call me mean or whatsoever, but, what the hell is this photographer doing taking picture of the kid instead of helping? Yes, spread the news to everyone, but forgodsakes, HELP FIRST! Not like you guys do not know how blardy 'efficient' our ambulance can be! They come after YOU FRIGGIN' DIE! Not BEFORE!

p/s: perish your thoughts of coming to visit KL


alien said...

why no one help?
the public can out number the mat rempit wat..
cruel world~

KeiTees said...'s Malaysian style to watch and see

happyfrog said...

wut happen to the gurl ah? kidnapped ma? or oso slashed o!!