Oct 30, 2008

Curse The Onlookers

I was very pissed off yesterday when I was on the way back home. After I left from work, I took my usual route from Bangsar to Mont Kiara. It would be through Sprint Highway. However, just after the turning to Sprint Highway, I thought there's a massive traffic in front as I see all the cars keep stopping...

Guess what I see when I reach all the way to the front? A Mercedes-and-Bike-accident, which is very minor. I can't believe all the Oh-I'm-Very-Curious-Bout-What's-Happening attitude from all the lousy Malaysian driver! Cars in front of me was slowing down to look and I was so angry at that ! It wasn't like that accident was a major one like this:

If it's such accidents, then I'd understand...But NOOOOOO...those people just have to slow down and WATCH even though it's none of their business and hey! They NEVER stop to help anyway! SO GET MOVING DAMNIT!! Peoples like that are the cause of our everyday traffic everywhere!!

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