Oct 20, 2008


Early morning mood was ruined permanently... Ever heard of a company where no one is allowed to claim OT for after office hour work ?

Me: Can we claim OT ?
Senior: Basically...no
Me: (Stunned face) why not ?
Senior: Boss doesn't want our department to look bad
Me: (Cotinuous stunned face) huh?
Senior: Basically, if you try to, boss will just throw back tons of reasons of WHY YOU SHOULD NOT claim... We've tried that before and trust me, we're all on the same boat
Me: (Speechless)
Senior: Yes, believe me when I say this, we're all conned basically to work here.
Me: But it states in the employee handbook that you are allowed to and by right you CAN, right?
Senior: Yes, it does. But whether the boss approve or not and is he going to throw to millions of reasons to WHY YOU SHOULD NOT CLAIM is another thing.
Me: (RAGING INSIDE) Let's go smoke...

What the hell is this?! They tell me I can claim but when asked, they tell me NOT TO DO IT JUST BECAUSE IT LOOKS BAD ?! So indirectly telling me, "Ok Kristy. It's already 6pm, get your blardy ass off now. Don't do OT."

How great can it be? I can't believe that I've worked additional 5 hours in office and I can't blardy claim...Not everyone is earning 2.5k a month you know?!

Even the orang utan knows how to show middle finger...

1 comment:

Hanimelz said...

Trust me i know how u feel...
Sad huh cant claim OT >.< sumor ppl expect u to work like a dog... haihz sumtimes dog oso better than us got ppl to feed at least =.="