Aug 20, 2008

Kohee Cigaretto ~

The Japanese girl that's based in our company came back with some souvenirs again, bringing two packs of cigarettes for my supervisor with different flavor. One, a coffee taste and another, a tea leaf flavor. Well, the coffee taste cigarette tasted funny but the smell of coffee is so strong and it smelled like Mocha. I had yet to try out the other flavor =p


Here's how the coffee cigarette pack looks like and it's a soft pack cigarette box! The whole stick of cigarette is black just like the SKL but it doesn't smell as bad as that SKL cigarettes.


This is the tea leaf flavor cigarette. Supervisor hadn't opened it yet so I've no idea how it looks like either. There's even a website written there but I don't think I'd understand it since it's a Japanese website.


Not forgetting some little snacks she brought back for all of us. The one I got is actually the one on the right hand side which is orange flavored. Tasted like any sponge cakes. But pretty nice textures.

You guys must be wondering how on earth I got all these pictures since my previous Nokia 5300 phone is stolen. I've gotten a deal from my sister in law, so, I'll be taking her Sony Ericsson W800 now. So, I'll be snapping clearer pictures now compared to last time! Yay!

Aug 15, 2008

A Bad Month

To begin with, I only took twice train ever since the beginning of this month... Twice, the train broke down... and different train. Well, you can say I had a very bad luck or bad day or whatsoever. First time was the Putra LRT, I worked on the noon shift that time and since it's the LRT, so basically the breakdown was fine. They were quite efficient as there were guards to look out and direct us where to go and which train to stop at for what stations.

But KTM...? Thanks...they just have to breakdown at the after work peak hour at the station after KL Sentral, which is KL station, where the next train to go home is the worse on Tuesday 12th of August around 7:15pm. The train just wouldn't move at KL station and we had to switch platform. They just announce which platform we should take but not clearly mentioning which train is the one heading to Kepong. Another thing is, surprisingly, people tend to be very civilized when they are taking LRT. But when it comes to KTM, even if it's the same bunch of people, they tend to become barbarian. Because of this fact, I missed two train as I knew it's totally impossible to board the next train. However, I thought the amount of people is lesser by the third train, so, I'd just take my luck and board it.

Ended up ? I got pushed around and I lost my phone in the process of trying to kick those barbarians. I had my earphone on with wire stuck on the phone and YET IT IS GONE just like that out of my pocket. Be it it's a pick pocket or it just slipped out, if those people were not being such a barbarian and the train did not breakdown, I would not have lost my precious phone. No more music and picture taking anymore for now. I came home crying and I'm truly traumatized from taking train now. My whole life I've only lost my phone ONCE. It's so unbearable to lose something you paid so much for and love so much. It is also the one thing I can't live without and now, though I'm able to get my number back, I'm unable to get my contacts back. Things are just so unpredictable...

What a barbarian society we have...and lousy maintenance for public transportation...

Aug 8, 2008

Good Sights Underneath

I've never noticed those billboards until lately... I came across those advertisements that's left hanging under the flyover... UNDER, not above, as if it's an embarrassing thing to show...


So much for the spirit of the National Day...Another funny sight I caught is an advertisement from a school bus. It sorta goes against the fact bus is for kids...that are meant to be educated properly...But this advertisement says the other way round...


Yes kids, go against your dad and play more games... What a bad advertisement for the company... (Bus number plate taken out no questions asked please)

                 Cig 1

Check out what my colleague brought back from Japan ! Virginia Slim Japan version. Back and front design of the same thing. Sweet !


This is some sort of snacks with banana fillings inside...Gross yes, but trust me...It's real good and smooth stuff...Oiishiiiii desuneee!!


Trust me when I say it's banana fillings...See those yellowish thing ? Now I'm just waiting for the Japanese to go back again so I can get more good stuff back ! Of course, I ordered a pack of nice cigarettes from them as well. Let's see what can they give next for snacks !

Aug 7, 2008

It's so Complicated !

For those that doesn't know yet, amazingly, I, Kristy, is back to studies ! YES!! You did not read me wrongly. S-T-U-D-I-E-S !! I am back to studies. Doing Bachelor Degree of Business in Sales & Marketing. Why that ? It's obviously the easiest for someone as stupid as I am.

Does it matter? Obviously, it's not easy juggling in between my work, social life and studies. It's so hard especially since it's a part time course and a one month once class! Studying alone sucks especially. Nothing helps. I'm beginning to wonder am I even prepared for all these.   Writing something negative doesn't help... Neither does anything that's going on with my life currently!

Ignore me or keep reading if you want to. I'm just doing some random ramblings right now. Better than keeping it inside and not letting it go. I'm about to get a nervous breakdown! Last thing I would want is to pay money just to see a goddamn shrink and labeled as a psycho, no thanks! Last thing I wanna say is, life has been a roller coaster to me lately...that's why I've not had the time to blog. If you're reading this ( you know who you are ), I just wanna say sorry for all the things I've done...