Oct 25, 2010

Hennessy Artistry 23102010

Technically, we didn’t get the RSVP or anything. Boyfriend was disappointed when we missed the RSVP time. Needless to say, he searched high and low for any ways to get his hands on the tickets. He found a person selling it for RM40 per ticket and, we’re there! That price, was totally worth the fun, I’d say.


The invitation card looks awesome and I was kinda sad to part with it. Anyway, that didn’t matter. What mattered most was, I was totally wasted during the event. Hey, how could you not when it was free flow? Well, I did tweet that it wasn’t free flow and it’s 5 voucher per person for the drinks. But that was before 10 or almost 11pm. The reason being? They didn’t want people to be drunk or totally wasted before the show starts.

Event started off with some DJ spinning and first performance was Deja Voodoo Spells followed by Mizz Nina for the local acts.


Didn’t have much pictures of all the acts cuz hey, I was totally busy with the drinks and the fun. The whole party really hit off when Taiwan band, Da Mouth came on and followed by Kardinal Offishal next. It was totally awesome. When Da Mouth performed, all the guys was busy hooting and gawking at Aisa, the Japanese girl in the band. I gotta admit it, SHE WAS HOT. Oh before I forget, Henry Golding and a girl…forgotten her name, they were the emcees for that night.

During Kardinal Offishal performance, they picked 3 people out from the crowd for a game of their own. A girl and two guys. One by one they danced off to a Michael Jackson song. One of the guy won when he did almost-near imitation of MJ moves. The other guy break danced and although he was awesome, it was supposed to be MJ moves. Girl, sorry man, no comments. The winner danced with Kardinal after that and it did seem fun.

Less talk, more pictures to show you of the place. By the way, Hennessy came up with more mix this time. Hennessy Citrus, Hennessy Apple, Hennessy Berry, Hennessy Ginger. I loved the Berry one.


Before going in… the big logo outside.


The main event hall…


The big bar in the middle…


Close up of the bar… Check out the drinks there…


I think this is the Citrus flavored…


The apple flavored…


The side bar near to where we sat… Next to the stage!


Stage from front…


Stage from the side… If you notice, it was two floor stage. Totally awesome.


This was the beginning before the free flow starts. When it started, we filled part of our table with the drinks. The reddish ones are the berry mix flavored Hennessy. I was totally wasted, I mean it. I had videos of Makiyo when Da Mouth was performing as well as Kardinal but, quality wasn’t that good so, sorry guys, no vids of the happening party. But I’m sure if you search in youtube, you’d find tons of them.

Great fun, great party, hats off to H-Artistry again for arranging such awesome party year after year.

Oct 11, 2010

RM2 Bonanza @ Sushi King

It’s definitely the time of the month again. No, you know I definitely don’t mean about the period for ladies. I’m talking bout the foodies !! This is definitely the time when the hungry ones go and clear all the foods possible served. 4 big eater plus 1 moderate eater. Wait, I am included in the big eater part ok? Although unintentionally, I did starve myself throughout the day just to be able to stuff myself crazy. Check out the plates that we cleared off…


That wasn’t really all of it…yet… This is how it looks like when we got the bill….


See, one of boyfriend friend cleared most of the purple plates. It was all the sushi with the tempura prawns except for the last one which was the fat piece of unagi. The purple plates top it all off.


We call this our personal Sushi Challenge and when we asked for the bill, everyone was staring at our stack of plates. Imagine what we could do if all 5 of us were big eaters. The duration of time to sit down during the RM2 bonanza has been shortened since a lot of people visited and there’s barely a seat left. From two hours to one hour only. I’m not sure bout the amount of people that a member card can bring last time but now, it’s 5 pax per card. Don’t miss out on this !! It’s only until 14th Oct, which is this week Thursday !


Die for it while you still can Open-mouthed smile

Oct 4, 2010

1L on 011010

It sounded awesome but it was painful but yet, it’s definitely a fun filled night. I’ve never felt so good and relaxed for almost two months. It was the first day of celebration for Octoberfest ! Yeah, like a friend of mine said, I was drunk when I checked in to the place on 4square. Instead of saying Octoberfest like it’s supposed to be, I typed Ocbotbafest something like that. I laughed when I saw what I did the next day.


Doesn’t matter bout that, I still laughed at myself. Anyway, what the title is about ? I celebrated Octoberfest on 1st of Oct 2010 and got a 1 Litre mug thanks to Sid’s Pub at Bangsar South and of course, Tiger Beer for making this mug, LOL !!


It doesn’t look that big when the picture was taken like this, right?


I had to make sure the camera fits the face but…the mug is seriously too tall LOL


Now you see the size?


Hell yeah ! It’s even bigger than my face !! Technically I was high when we all finished and we’re all playing the drinking game to get the beer finished faster !


A mug for each one of us and I had trouble finishing at the end of it but managed to thanks to the games. It costs about RM50 per mug inclusive of the beer. Once you’re done drinking, just ask the waiter to wash your mug or not, just walk away with it ! Octoberfest is da bomb

Oct 1, 2010

The Fear ?

It wakes up screaming
Turning around left and right,
The eyes wide with fear
It pants heavily

Why would It fear so much?
Why does it hurts so much?
Why does it hate so much?
It’s a predator like anything else…
So it thought…

The nightmare still haunts
It still lingers in its mind and fresh
It could remember every single detail
It knows that it is definitely afraid of it…
But why?

It is a species that preys and hunts,
It is a species that bites and tears,
It is a species that kills with no mercy,
It was supposed to be mindless,
So it thought…

Come to think of it,
It should not even be able to scream in the first place.
For it would not sound like a scream…
It should be soundless…
So, why the noise that it knows as a scream?