The typical mongrel that I am,
Everywhere you see, I am there, because we all look alike
But you see, that's what I am,
The typical mongrel that you see on the streets,
The ones that are unwanted.
I am born on the streets,
Grew up not knowing who's my mom two months later, because you see,
She's just gone like that. I don't know if I've got siblings or not.
Left to fend for myself, I contracted illness.
Because you see, that's the typical mongrel that I am.
Hungry day and night, Cold and hot and yet, nobody cares.
Small humans threw sticks and stones at me,
Big humans swing their hands at me,
Some big humans even threw water at me and yelled at me.
Oh, did I mention, there's even some that threw me to the street,
When all I ever wanted was some scraps of their foods.
Or maybe love and attention perhaps?
As one of the lucky ones, I've been saved from the streets,
By a group of kindhearted people.
But you see, I'm still homeless in a way. I'm still sick and I fear humans.
They put me in a cage, fed me what they can afford to, hosing my waste off with me still in the cage.
I'm still shivering in fear, cold and hunger, not to mention pain as well.
One day they just brought me out of my cage,
To where I do not know. Perhaps to a walk? Play hopefully?
After some distance driving, they brought me to a place, put me in a cage again.
Why so many people? Where is this place? Are you going to bully me or beat me again?
But wait, you mean no harm to me, I can tell that much.
You going to bring me home? Pretty please?
I'm the typical mongrel, not your famous breeds of dogs or cute small sized dogs,
But I will love you as much as you love me, that much I can promise you.
Like any other dogs, I can be trained, love and get along.
Treat me well and I'm all about you.
Despite being the typical mongrel that I am.
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