Dec 18, 2007

Happy Birthday, Veron !

Like what the title says, it's her birthday today! Even though we celebrated it earlier which was like, last week saturday by going down to Port Dickson and have BBQ. There is like only four of us again, Vira can't make it, cuz he has to study for his exam, Chloe can't make it too, cuz she is slightly sick. What the heck... Anyway, the amount of the foods we got is too much...we can't even finish it! Wasted so many cocktail hotdogs and chicken wings...Somehow, it was fun watching them trying to BBQ the foods, there was a part where Vince actually threw the fish, the hotdog and a chicken wing into the charcoal...well... Don't ask me... I'm speechless there and Veron is busy scolding him.

Not to mention as well... I feel tortured on that night as suddenly, i became Veron's maid or slave or whatever. But, like she said it, it's her birthday anyway. However, come to think of it, it wasn't the exact day anyway. *Sigh* Doesn't matter anyway.

Well, i'll have to get off here. Happy Birthday to you girl, you've turned 23 after so many months of dwelling over it ! Dwell no more ! You said you can finally officially go into Velvet without worrying when people asking for your Identification Card ! haha! HuGs n KiSSeS !!

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