Dec 10, 2007

1 stupid bottle, 1 stupid mistake

It all begins with a bottle,
Filled with different color of papers, but crumpled,
The bottle was packed,
It looked beatiful from afar, but not near.

Day by day as it fills with more,
The bottle starts to complain,
As it has no space anymore,
It could not place anymore papers inside.

The bottle keeps complaining,
That's all it only knows now,
To vent out its pain and frust,
Towards the stupid human who placed the paper inside.

Had enough,
The human, with a wave of his hand,
Pushed the bottle down,
Down it went, with a hard crash.

Just because of the pain, one stupid mistake,
The bottle looked sadly at its own remains,
Shattered on the floor,
Papers were being flown away,
By the cold breeze that swept past by...

"How painful can it be, you dare ask?
How much longer do i have to live with this?
Not even beautiful, only from afar, but not near,
You crushed me hard just like that...
Am I honestly really that stupid and useless?
Even after all these times I've been with you?"
The bottle cried.

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