Aug 19, 2014


It's been quite tormenting to see news of child being abused physically, mentally and sexually. It's even more tormenting to see news of newborns being dumped just down the drain like that. It kills me further to see what happens to kids in war zone.

One would always ponder, does these tormentor have no sense of humanity left in them? Does these tormentor knows the pain felt by the child ? In a human of such small size, such innocence and they have to suffer the wrath of the grown ups? You'd think that serial killers and psychopaths have no sense of what I just said, but I would say those people, those beast that harms a child, is far worse than anything. Oh wait, even a beast would fight for their child, so these are lowlifes worse than a beast. They do not feel, they are humans reanimated into life. Zombies. Dead wearing a human mask tormenting only kids (Walking Dead theme playing in background)

The worse lowlifes that I've read about, is the child very own parents doing harm to them. I definitely cannot comprehend what goes in their mind and I am loss at words to describing them. My vulgarities fail me here.

As a mother, as a human, we feel pain even when we pinch ourselves, and know that the pain is amplified double when it happens to a small child. So how can these lowlifes not know? Oh wait, they mostly don't because simply they are lowlifes.

Renting Out Daughter to Beg? Seriously? Being poor is not the reason you should use your child like this! You have hands and legs, you are not disabled are you? A family of seven, why can't you just do something simple like offering cleaning services or even sell nasi lemak on the streets to make a living ! Why push your child out to beg!

This is totally unbearable. Students forced to perform oral sex? Why in the first fucking place you made a knowledge institution to teach !!! To garner monies and have free sexual fun? These institutions, kindies, nurseries, they are supposed to be a heaven, a play place for the kids to learn and grow, not your fucking money making night clubs. You fucking pedophile should be bloody stoned to death or tied to pole with rats chewing your balls off. Yes, this is a torture sentence of the Middle Ages. Lots of lowlifes made these kind of place and in the end, either they could not care enough for the children sent in, or they just have to beat the kids senseless just for simple things. AGAIN, WHY MAKE IT IN THE FIRST PLACE?

Newborns being dumped in toilet or just left to die moments after coming out. These... (grips knuckles and cracking 'em) I don't know why these horny sluts can't just get a fucking pack of condom which costs bloody RM3++ from 7-Eleven and use it. Instead, they just have to get fucking pregnant, and give birth and dump the babies leaving them to die. Hey, even if they have given birth and can't afford to raise the baby, can't they bloody fucking put them at orphanage? WHY THE FUCKING MENTALITY OF LEAVING THEM TO DIE? DAMN SLUTS. What have these poor souls done to you? You yourself chose to have unprotected sex and get pregnant, nobody fucking forced you. Even if you are fucking forced onto or raped, godforbids, don't be an asshole and kill the poor soul, give them away or fucking abort before they fully developed into a fetus.

Vulgarities are not even enough for me to curse at these lowlifes and I need more than simple curses at these people. Speaking of torture sentence of the Middle Ages, some of it could be relived to use for these lowlifes.

Unfortunately enough, cases like these happens often all over the world and not much of people tend to report them for fear of something bites them back in the end. People, please, there are tons of NGO for you to turn to if you ever come across cases of child abuse or whatsnot. You've even got the government counterpart Talian Nur from Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development to assist. Appealing to them or the political parties may help in whatever ways people need. Hell, please, USE MR.GOOGLE FORGODSAKES. STOP CHILD ABUSE.

Let me share a dream I once had, it wasn't a pleasant one. I dreamt my baby was taken from me violently, kidnapped I'd say. I can't be sure because I don't remember the details, just vivid details and the feelings but why I say kidnapped? Because I remember the frantic, anxious, sad, angry, nervous, worried sick feeling in the gut. The next thing I remember is that I went berserk in midst of trying to find her and the world gone red. Meaning? I will stop at nothing and it will cost you your dear life slowly and painfully that you'd wish it's Satan himself instead of me coming at you for taking my baby away from me or causing harm to her.

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