Now this brand new site that I came across, is somehow similar to Keitai Shousetsu feel but different in a way, whereby, instead of writing short on each chapter, authors can write as if they are writing novels. Very western feel to it. ( ̄ー ̄)I like this too of course. Wattpad is without doubt, a site filled with good story tellers. I've been hooked on to a few unknowingly and have been continuously following their story. Very addictive if you ask me.
Unlike TextNovel which have an application that is available in iOS platform, Wattpad have application for both iOS and Android platform. Interestingly, it is also available on Blackberry platform.
Another plus point for Wattpad is that, if you like the story that you are reading and you would like to share it to your other pals on other social sites, you can actually choose to embed them to your websites! Of course you can share them on Google +, Twitter, Tumblr and etc. Nice, isn't? I don't need to mention about Facebook as well, do I ? O(≧▽≦)O
Pros and cons shared, I like both sites and am still following the stories from both sites. What can I say, writers from around the world fascinates me and the way they spin their plot out is even more interesting. That is what I like about these writers. Unlike those who had their books published, these writers are more raw and true, sometimes, writing out of their own feelings and fantasy.