May 26, 2011

Another Lazy Moments

As the title says it all, I’ve really been lazy to blog again. It seems to me that people takes blogging as a mean to make money. True, I’m not saying that you can’t, just that, from my view, it’s making the meaning of blogging, or even writing diaries (if one still does nowadays) meaningless. Everything is all so commercialized, so money-minded, caring so much about the hit counts and the money that the ads make for them. Not to say I don’t care about the money, I just don’t like the way things changed. You can say I’m not into the changes Smile with tongue out

It’s my semester break right now and it’s almost over. I’ve been going out constantly with friends for tea, either that or constantly trying to cling to my boyfriend like a sloth if I could. It seems that the most correct thing to do would be spending more quality times with my family. Thus, I’m back at my parents place the whole month. Well, most of it. The best part is, I can’t believe I am addicted to the chinese drama series and with all the time I have, I’m actually quite ahead of most of my pals Open-mouthed smileI even ruined the ending of Relic Of An Emissary for my boyfriend. Wasting my time by doing so actually (yes it’s a waste of my time, no doubt of it) lets me relax more and, I’m a happier person ever since I left the graveyard shift job.

Never mind the drama series, boyfriend and I even did a movie marathon once when he’s on so-called-MC. When everyone is busy at work, we’re watching Pirates of The Caribbean: On Strangers Tide 3D the day it released and Priest after that. What a day. Lunch before the first movie and dinner after the second movie, good times spent wisely, I think.  Both movie did not make me really happy though. The only movie I am happy with so far for now, it is only Fast and Furious 5. Lots of action and some bloopers for me to look at and laugh when everyone is quietly watching. The only movie that I’ve heard not bad and have yet to watch, would be Thor. I’d wait for the download Smile with tongue out

Now the next part in line would be waiting for Cindy to get her break so that we all could go for the indoor skating and indulge in the sinful pork rib! Not to mention maybe wanting to go for a session of Xbox 360 Kinect at Xhale in Millennium Square. I know I’ll have time for those but, it itches more when you’re on break and rather have nothing to do at all.

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