Apr 17, 2009


Been hearing alot bout this site for quite a period of time and finally, I'm playing around with it trying to find out what the heck is this application. It's easy to use and surprisingly alot of people are actually using it. In short, it's actually updating your thoughts like facebook status and it's word limit is just 140. Not like blog definitely.

Oh well, at least it's an easier way and pretty much meant for you to summarise up your thoughts for the day/time/seconds or whatever. Hey, even celebrities are using it. Just follow them, and you're getting updates of their life everyday. Pretty cool huh? Things are meant to be easier and simpler this way. K.I.S.S motto.

p/s: follow me on http://twitter.com/KaoriHayashi !!


Mike Campton said...

Twitter is AWESOME!

Follow me up at

Wilmaryad said...

Very interesting blog! I like the tone :)

Anonymous said...

I canceled my Twitter account, there are easier ways to talk up your buddies

KeiTees said...

Oh well, it's just another way to express yourself Satin ^^