Jun 20, 2010

Screw You

It doesn't matter what the video clip is like. But it does show my feelings towards you. It's more than enough already. I couldn't express myself directly and I do not know why but honestly, I'm being kind enough just to tell you screw you instead of literally... fuck you, honey, fuck you.

Go find the fucking lyrics yourself. I've had enough of doing everything and people just takes me for granted. I've my own limits and if you are not going to do your own shits, I'm not gonna pack it for you and I'm gonna give you more shits to take with. Don't make me go to the extreme of making your life more miserable than it is already. The lousy World Cup has already made me freaking miserable as it's so unpredictable, refs all high on something and being bribed or whatever and being in our country time zone, it doesn't help by showing the last match of the day at 2:30am.

I wish you would just disappear from my sights and I even regretted knowing you. You're the biggest disappointment ever and you're totally messed up. I wish I could do that David Copperfield magic on you. You know, that Statue of Liberty disappearing act ? That would be nice. But, minus the showing back part of course.

If you think I'm talking about you, go ahead and think so and don't bother asking me why and who or whatever stupidest questions you can come out with. I just have had enough of you. Stop growing weeds on your head, stop growing marijuana in your brain. You're already stupid enough with your attitudes and actions. I don't need another retard here.