With me being brain dead on what to write on lately, let me just wrap up some stuff.
Having just changed to a new job, I'm still adjusting and since it's year end, my boss are ALWAYS flying on holiday and not around *bore*bore*bore* Besides the new job adjusting, baby is celebrating her one year old birthday on November, which is just next month!! YES! It's the BIG 1 and I've been busy searching for her cakes, venue for the party and also the decorations! Lots of things to do and very exciting! But also being a lazy person, I'm always looking for the best way out to solve whatever issue I have on.
So now, on to the topic, what is the Wattpad 30 Days challenge? It's just a writing challenge, you see. Start on 1st November 2014, they are challenging writers to pledge to write a 50,000 words write up until the end of November 2014. Challenging , isn't?
Now I wonder if I can accomplish this feat... ? Of course I'd be worried and shits like that because I'm always having writers block! I just hope that other accomplished writers on Wattpad can give good writing tips for my heads up and stuff like that. I pledge to do this #JustWriteIt ! Follow my work here !